Term Dates


Term One

Tuesday 3rd September   In-service training for staff only

Wednesday 4th September In-service training for staff only

Thursday 5th September School re-opens for children - 8.35 am

Friday 25th October End of term - school closes normal time

Term Two

Monday 4th November School re-opens - 8.35 am

Friday 20th December End of term - school closes 1 pm


Term Three

Monday 6th January             School re-opens - 8.35 am

Friday 14th February           End of term - school closes normal time

Term Four

Monday 24th February   In-service training for staff only

Tuesday 25th February School re-opens for children - 8.35 am

Friday 4th April End of term - school closes 1 pm


Term Five

Tuesday 22nd April In-service training for staff only

Wednesday 23rd April     School re-opens for children - 8.35 am

Monday 5th May May Bank Holiday - school closed

Thursday 22nd May     End of term - school closes normal time

Friday 23rd May In-service training for staff only

Term Six

Monday 2nd June     School re-opens - 8.35 am

Wednesday 23rd July     End of term - school closes 1pm