School Uniform
Second Hand Uniform
To ensure that all parents and carers are able to provide the required uniform, second-hand uniforms will be made available by the school.
As a school, we ensure that second-hand uniform is available by contacting our staff via email to
Boys' Uniform
Mid grey/black school trousers
Mid grey/black tailored shorts for Summer only
Navy blue round neck jumper with or without logo
White shirt/polo shirt with or without logo
Girls' Uniform
Mid grey/black skirt (no slit), of a reasonable length
Mid grey/black trousers
Mid grey/black tailored shorts for Summer only
Navy blue round neck jumper/cardigan with or without logo
White blouse/polo shirt with or without logo
Blue/white or gold/white small check dresses for Summer only
Headscarves in navy blue, black or white
NB – head wear generally (bands etc) should also be navy blue, black or white.
Sensible black shoes or plain black trainers can be worn during class lesson times
High-heeled shoes are unsafe in school
Boots should only be worn to and from school with a pair of shoes to change into once in school
In the Summer term black or white sturdy sandals may be worn.
Boys' PE Kit Requirements
Navy cotton drill shorts
White round neck t-shirt with or without logo
Trainers or football boots (for outdoors)
Plimsolls or trainers (for indoors)
Football boots (optional)
Navy Sweatshirt and navy joggers (optional)
Girls' PE Kit Requirements
Navy cotton drill shorts
White round neck t-shirt with or without logo
Trainers or football boots (for outdoors)
Plimsolls or trainers (for indoors)
Navy Sweatshirt and navy joggers (optional)
Please support us by providing a clean pair of trainers/plimsolls for indoor sports .
Please tie long hair back and hair styles should be smart.
Jewellery should not be worn with the exception of one watch and no more than one plain stud per ear which must be removed or covered for P.E.
Make up, including nail varnish, should not be worn.
Please only provide a small school bag as there is limited space in the lockers.
Pupil’s in KS1 should use a book bag instead of a school bag.
Please label all clothing, school bags and equipment with your child’s name.