Music & Resources
Please find a copy of the Cippenham School music development plan below.

Keyboard Resources and Scores

KS2 Music Factsheet

Twinkle, Twinkle

Beethoven's Ode to Joy - Melody version

Beethoven's Ode to Joy - with accompaniment

Dr Who Theme - Letter Score

Dr Who Theme - melody

Dr Who - melody & accompaniment

Shape of You

Strictly Come Dancing Theme

A Million Dreams

Theme from Rocky

Star Wars Theme - melody & accompaniment

God Save The King - melody

God Save The King - melody & accompaniment

Are You Sleeping?
Frère Jacques

Can't Stop The Feeling

EasterEnders Theme

Harry Potter
Other Music Resources

Gamelan Music
Click the button below to visit the school Youtube channel on which can be found many of the children's performances.
Christmas Resources

Good King Wenceslas - full score

Good King Wenceslas - basic score

Away In A Manger

Jingle Bells - full score

Jingle Bells - basic score

O Little Town Of Bethlehem

Silent Night

Walking In The Air
Music at Cippenham School
Music is a universal language that embodies one of the highest forms of creativity: a subject that enriches children’s lives and education with many benefits beyond itself. It contributes significantly in developing language, reasoning and memory; it allows children to connect with others by creating a sense of community and promoting teamwork; it leads to improved motor skills and co-ordination; it improves memory and integrates many other subjects. In addition music teaches discipline, relieves stress, builds confidence and enhances self-esteem by allowing all children to succeed. A high-quality music education should engage and inspire pupils to develop a love of music and their talent as musicians, and so increase their self-confidence, creativity and sense of achievement. It should be inclusive and accessible for everyone to be actively involved in their learning. Our curriculum lends itself to broadening student’s knowledge and cultural capital as well as increasing engagement through practical schemes.
Cippenham School understands the value and enrichment music brings to the life of a child and to the school as a community and we recognise that music, as a practical subject, should be an integral part of a rich, broad and balanced curriculum. Children participate in a range of musical experiences throughout their school lives, building up their confidence at the same time and enjoying the performance aspect that music affords. At Cippenhman, music lessons are about learning in and through music, not solely about music, and aim to build pupils’ knowledge and skills as well as developing their imagination and creativity. Children learn how to listen to and appraise music; cultivate their understanding of the Interrelated Dimensions of Music (IDM) such as rhythm, beat, and pitch; acquire technical vocabulary for these musical elements; learn how music is structured and created through practical activities; and develop instrumental and vocal technique through performances and composition. Children’s musical experience is bedded in a broad range of musical styles from a wide spectrum of cultures and eras.