Keeping Children Safe

Support for our Children and Families

We strive to maintain a pastoral care system that enables our children  to feel secure and provides students, parents and carers with support and advice. Parents and carers are encouraged to speak to staff should they have any concerns about their child/ren or need support to manage a situation that is impacting their child/ren at home.   

There are a number of external agencies that provide parents and carers with support and advice on a range of matters including, but not limited to; support for children and young people; services for families; e-Safety guidance; Mental Health support, bereavement support; and advice for those experiencing domestic abuse. 

The following webpages contain links to different organisations that operate nationally and locally, in Slough Borough, to provide support and advice. 

Operation Encompass

An important part of our commitment to keeping our children safe is sharing information with other organisations who work with and support children and families in Slough such as the Slough Multi-agency Safeguarding Hub (SASH), the Thames Valley Police and other agencies that form the Slough Safeguarding Children Partnership.  The school has also signed up to receive alerts from the Thames Valley Police through Operation Encompass: this system enables the police to notify the school when a pupil has been exposed to domestic abuse.  The School Safeguarding Team  can then use the information that has been shared, in confidence, to ensure the well-being of the child or to make provisions or adjustments to assist the child and their family.  

Smoothwall letter to parents March 2022 

Smoothwall Monitoring Children on line presentation

Are you worried about a child?

If a child is at immediate risk of harm or an emergency situation call 999 immediately.

Respect  |  Kindness  |  Honesty  |  Resilience  |  Independence  |  Growth Mindset